Alchemy fires Ukrainian QA without warning, all in one day

A Blockchain company Alchemy has fired the whole of its Ukrainian QA department in just one day. The company simply revoked the access to corporate services for Ukrainians, former Head of Quality Assurance Alex Zaichenko writes on his LinkedIn.

According to him, the company decided to disband the entire QA team in one day, without warning, simply by deactivating corporate accounts.

“People worked really hard for a year, and some for two, often with overtime, for which no one paid. Alchemy and Timothy Li (CEO — ed.) made a “difficult” decision to disband the entire Ukrainian QA team in just one day, without warning or even a trivial thank you. Everyone just got a message that their accounts have been deactivated. Funny it happened during a work meeting with a client, my account just locked me off, and I was just thrown out of the meeting. Such is the support of Ukrainians,”

Alex Zaichenko writes.

Interesting enough, earlier the company published a post on LinkedIn in support of Ukraine and its Ukrainian employees during the war.

Screenshot: Alchemy’s LinkedIn page

As Alex explained to AIN.Capital, after his dismissal, he was contacted by COO who apologized (not on behalf of the company, but on his own behalf). “He said he was ashamed to see how we were treated. He added that he would definitely contact me in the future, and we will try to gather the whole team again.”

Also, according to Zaichenko, most of those who were fired were not ready for this, did not understand what had happened, and had many questions about where everyone went. According to him, the company did not fully pay the fired people.

AIN.Capital is trying to contact the fired employees and also demands an official explanation from the company.
